
Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Mirth Connect Docker

Supported Tags

  • 1.2.1, latest
  • 1.2.0
  • 1.1.1
  • 1.1.0
  • 1.0.0


The mirth connect docker is intended to allow for a stable way to run mirth within docker as well as be configured appropriatly per environemt.


It is best practice to not include sql user or password information in Dockerfiles. For that reason we have provided addtional environment variables that can be added to a docker-compose.override.yml and injected via the .env or other such docker environment files.

Environment Variables


The file path to a mirth configuration file. If the file exists it will be imported on container start. An example may be /data/mirth.config mounted via a volume such as -v ./data:/data. Note that if this environment variable is populated and the file does not exist no config will be imported and you will be informed that "no configuration file could be located" even when the variable is not set.


Specifies the name or ip address of the sql server to connect to. Currently used in entrypoint to wait on the MSSQL server, will be expanded later for mirth configurations.


The version of mirth to use for the container. Check out NextGen's archive for available version.


The boolean value of whether or not to transform the mirth.properties file when the container starts; leaving the mirth.properties file untouched after the container is run.

You may want to change mirth.properties when running the docker image to reflect your desired settings and not use the MIRTH_* environement variables.

When set to true set_props runs when the container starts which substitutes various mirth properties with environment variables.

The default is set to false, but if you wish to transform the property file change this value to true. The value is case sensative.


Assigns to property database in mirth.properties. Available options are: derby, mysql, postgres, oracle, sqlserver.


Assigns to property database.url in mirth.properties

# examples:
# Derby jdbc:derby:${dir.appdata}/mirthdb;create=true
# PostgreSQL jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mirthdb
#  MySQL jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mirthdb
# Oracle jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:DB
# SQLServer jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433/mirthdb

The username to login to any of the above sql servers with.


The password to login to any of the above sql servers with.


The initial administrator password when the container starts. When the variable is set it will overwrite the password each time the container starts. When left blank the admin password will not be modified.


The Dockerfile located at mirth/Dockerfile includes an installation of mssql-tools which are needed for our use case. The tools allow for entrypoint.sh to identify when the mssql server is online, available, and if the mirthdb database has been created when using a separate mssql container. This is important as we cannot have mirth-server-launcher start before the sql server is online. It is recommended to perform such a check even if you are using another external database that is not mssql server or at least sleep 20s before starting mirth-server-launcher.

The installed mssql-tools will not effect anything if you leave the environemt variables to their defaults and will only run if MIRTH_DATABSE is set to sqlserver. __When sqlserver is specified the mirth will not prompt for the registration of users or show notifications on startup.