Alpha Version:

  • Developed an interactive web page to allow users to view nearby recommended restaurants based on their preferences.
  • Wrote Java servlet service to fetch restaurant data from Yelp API.
  • Utilized MySQL/MongoDB to store user preference and restaurant information.
  • Designed and implemented a filtering and sorting algorithm to identify restaurant based on similar users’ preferences.
  • Improved precision of recommendations by sorting restaurants by star rating, distance from user, and category.

Beta Version: (Migrate the application to the AWS)

  • Built an auto-recovery, fully backup, secure, elastic and Dockerized application on AWS and GCP.
  • Wrote Java servlet service to fetch restaurant data from Yelp API.
  • Performed auto-scaling feature by auto-scaling group and Application Load Balancer for better performance (scalable).
  • Set CloudWatch to monitor CPU utilization and provide the details and threshold for the alarm.
  • Hosted the relational database in AWS RDS for stateless to store user preference and restaurant information.
  • Stored the application files and server log files in the S3 for backup and further analysis (ELK).