- 0
#105 opened - 1
Function Overloading
#104 opened - 0
#103 opened - 0
current bin_ops only work for (int, int)
#98 opened - 0
21 S/R conflicts in parser
#97 opened - 1
- 0
pretty print lambda type fails
#84 opened - 1
Codegen issues
#81 opened - 3
#79 opened - 0
- 0
Pool decl
#73 opened - 0
BIG: semantic checking
#72 opened - 0
- 0
- 1
Make sast match fixed ast
#69 opened - 0
match types of expressions in codegen
#67 opened - 2
Actor Actions
#66 opened - 2
Fix `chr` RegEx in scanner
#57 opened - 3
hello world
#53 opened - 1
How to handle failures?
#52 opened - 1
Create semantic analyzer
#51 opened - 0
create SAST
#50 opened - 0
Fix for loop in AST
#48 opened - 0
Implement Symbol Table
#44 opened - 1
c++ HAMT stuff
#38 opened - 0
pretty printer
#37 opened - 3
complex types
#36 opened - 1
- 0
token ARROW unused
#31 opened - 0
#30 opened - 1
Line 28 in parser
#29 opened - 1
PUNC_DOT in parser
#28 opened - 1
#27 opened - 2
Actors, Functions, Patterns, Lambdas
#26 opened - 2
Add bitwise ops to parser
#25 opened - 1
#24 opened - 0
Clean up TODOs and comments
#23 opened - 2
Add Maybe/Some/None to parser
#22 opened - 3
Variable assignment
#20 opened - 2
Accessing map and list (parser, ast)
#19 opened