
Hearthstone clone written in C# / Using Unity. (Multilingual Version)

Primary LanguageC#

Hearthstone Clone

This is a Hearthstone Clone. It contains the ability to change languages, it uses P2P Technology so there's no verification if something was possible (Hacking is easy)

PHP Scripts

I never made any dynamic PHP Scripts (Reading from a DB etc) but I made some static ones:


/*string[] s = res.Split('/');
player.id = s[1];
player.nickname = s[2];
player.expack = int.Parse(s[3]);
player.gold = int.Parse(s[4]);
player.rmb = 2000;
for(int x=5;x<s.Length;x++)
player.cards += s[x] + "/";
echo "ok";
echo "/1";
echo "/ExMex";
echo "/100";
echo "/1000";

// Card items
echo "/id1";
echo "/id2";
echo "/id3";
echo "/id4";


public enum CardClass
    kwarrior = 1, //ZZ
    kpaladin = 2,//SQ
    khunter = 3, //LR
    krogue = 4,//SQ
    kpriest = 5,//MS
    kshama = 7,//SM
    kmage = 8,//DZ
    kwarlock = 9,//SS
    kdruid = 11,//DLY

1&TEST&1&id1*1/id2*1/id3*1/id4*1<br />
