
simple python webscraper

code is properly documented via comments :)

directory tree   
└── pythonProject/
    ├── main.py
    └── assets and md/
        ├── project_details.md
        ├── img.png
        └── img_1.png

just need to run main.py for execution, but certain steps are to be followed before-hand:

  1. edit your credentials in the main.py file
  2. change your google account settings of the sender email address. (starting from line no. 51)
  3. Certain libraries are to be installed. (BeautifulSoup4, requests)
a) go to https://myaccount.google.com/security
b) Turn "ON" Less Secure App Access as shown below


NOTE: Point 2 is applicable only if we are using gmail to send the mail, if it is a company mail address or any private server,

no need of doing procedure in point 2.