
Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


👮‍♂️ Sanity checks License: MIT

createXcrunch is a Rust-based program designed to efficiently find zero-leading, zero-containing, or pattern-matching addresses for the CreateX contract factory. Uses OpenCL in order to leverage a GPU's mining capabilities.


  1. Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/HrikB/createXcrunch.git
cd createXcrunch
  1. Build the Project
cargo build --release

Building on Windows currently fails (see this issue). If you want to continue using Windows, we recommend using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and installing Rust via curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh.

Example Setup on Vast.ai

Update Linux

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Install build-essential Packages

We need the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) later.

sudo apt install build-essential

Install CUDA Toolkit

createXcrunch uses OpenCL which is natively supported via the NVIDIA OpenCL extensions.

sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit

Install Rust

Enter 1 to select the default option and press the Enter key to continue the installation. Restart the current shell after completing the installation.

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

Build createXcrunch

git clone https://github.com/HrikB/createXcrunch.git
cd createXcrunch
cargo build --release

🎉 Congrats, now you're ready to crunch your salt(s)!


./target/release/createxcrunch create3 --caller 0x88c6C46EBf353A52Bdbab708c23D0c81dAA8134A
  \ --crosschain 1

Use the --help flag for a full overview of all the features and how to use them:

./target/release/createxcrunch create2 --help


./target/release/createxcrunch create3 --help

Local Development

We recommend using cargo-nextest as test runner for this repository. To install it on a Linux x86_64 machine, invoke:

curl -LsSf https://get.nexte.st/latest/linux | tar zxf - -C ${CARGO_HOME:-~/.cargo}/bin

Afterwards you can run the tests via:

cargo nextest run


PRs welcome!
