
Simple console client that comunicates to Jira Xray and uploads tests and executions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Xray Console Client


Simple console client that comunicates to Jira Xray and uploads tests and executions


Current features

  • Create/update Tests
    • Cucumber
  • Create/update test executions
    • Specflow TestExecution.json
    • Junit
    • Allure xml reports
    • Allure json reports
  • Mapping
    • Map test execution to test plans
    • Map test execution to jira issues
    • Map test cases to test plans

Incoming features

  • Create/update tests
    • generic tests
      • Testng
      • Junit
      • Nunit
      • Xunit
      • Jasmine
      • Cypress
      • Playwright
  • Create/update executions
    • Add import of other reports
      • Cypress-cucumber
      • Playwright
      • ?
  • Mapping
    • Map added test cases to jira issues


Test uploader

node testUploader.js --tt $(testType) --f $(folderWithTests) --pk $(projectKey) --pn $(planKey) --xu $(xrayUrl) --ci $(jira_client_id) --cs $(jira_client_secret)
Flag Full Option Description Required
NO FLAG AVAILABLE --help Show help NO
--tt --testType Type of test to be uploaded, it can be cucumber or generic YES
--ci --clientId Xray client ID to connect YES
--cs --clientSecret Xray client Secret to connect YES
--xu --xrayUrl Xray url to connect YES
-f --filePath Path to the folder with files or a file specific YES
--pk --projectKey Project key where to upload tests YES
--pn --planKey Plan key where to map tests NO


node testUploader.js --tt cucumber --f ./Features/ --pk TT --pn TT-1234 --xu https://xray.cloud.getxray.app --ci AAAAAAAAAAA --cs BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

Execution uploader

node executionUploader.js --tt $(testType) --f $(folder/file) --pk $(projectKey) --pn $(testPlanKey) --s 'Test execution for $(issueKey)' --xu $(xrayUrl) --ci $(jira_client_id) --cs $(jira_client_secret)  --i $(issueKey) --ju $(jiraUrl) --jbt $(jira_basic_token)
Flag Full Option Description Required
NO FLAG AVAILABLE --help Show help NO
--tt --testType Type of execution to be uploaded, it can be cucumber-specflow , allure-xml , allure-json , junit YES
--ci --clientId Xray client ID to connect YES
--cs --clientSecret Xray client Secret to connect YES
--xu --xrayUrl Xray url to connect YES
-f --filePath Path to the folder with files or a file specific YES
--pk --projectKey Project key where to upload execution YES
--pn --planKey Plan key where to map execution NO
--ek --executionKey Execution key of execution to be updated instead of creating a new one NO
--s --summary Test Execution Summary, in case new one is created, if none is passed , generic will be set NO
--d --description Test Execution Description, if none is passed , generic will be set NO
--rv --releaseVersion Release version which this test execution is linked NO
--i --issueKey Issue to be linked to executions (Youll need a Jira url and Jira token, only available for JIRA CLOUD NO
--ju --jiraUrl Jira Url in case you want to link executions to jira issues NO
--jbt --jiraBasicToken Jira Token (PAT) in case you want to link executions to jira issues NO


node executionUploader.js --tt specflow --f './executions/TestExecution.json' --pk TT --pn TT-1111 --s 'Test execution for $(issueKey)' --xu https://xray.cloud.getxray.app --ci AAAAAAAAAAAAAA --cs BBBBBBBBBBBBB  --i TT-1234 --ju https://yourCompany.atlassian.net) --jbt CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC


This console application comes already dockerized, and you can find the image in here:

Docker image


Copy files in container

docker cp ./TestExecution.json xray_console_client:app/executions/TestExecution.json

docker cp ./Features/ xray_console_client:app/tests/

Execute commands

docker exec xray_console_client node testUploader.js --tt cucumber --f ./tests/Features/ --pk TT --pn TT-1234 --xu https://xray.cloud.getxray.app --ci AAAAAAAAAAA --cs BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

docker exec xray_console_client node executionUploader.js --tt specflow --f './executions/TestExecution.json' --pk TT --pn TT-1111 --s 'Test execution for $(issueKey)' --xu https://xray.cloud.getxray.app --ci AAAAAAAAAAAAAA --cs BBBBBBBBBBBBB  --i TT-1234 --ju https://yourCompany.atlassian.net) --jbt CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC