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The official code of Beyond Adult and COMPAS: Fairness in Multi-Class Prediction via Information Projection (NeurIPS 2022 Oral) [arXiv]

data/ contains all datasets

fair-projection/ contains implementations of FairProjection

  • Python packages and environment are included in fairprojection.yml.
  • command to run: python3 run_mp.py
    • GroupFair.py and coreMP.py contain the core ADMM implementations of FairProjection.
    • Python function load_data loads UCI-Adult and COMPAS datasets into PANDAS DataFrames.
    • Python function load_hsls_imputed loads the HSLS dataset into PANDAS DataFrames.
    • Python function load_enem loads the ENEM dataset into PANDAS DataFrames with flexible numbers of samples, classes, and groups.
  • ''adult-compas/': accuracy-fairness tradeoff curves with different fairness budgets.
  • hsls/: accuracy-fairness tradeoff curves with different fairness budgets.
  • enem/: experiments
    • acc-fairness-tradeoff/ for accuracy-fairness tradeoff curves with different fairness budgets.
    • runtime/ for parallel/ non-parallel runtime comparison.
    • multi-group-multi-class/: for multiple-group and multi-class FairProjection.

baseline-methods/ contains baseline models: EqOdds [4], CalEqOdds [5], LevEqOpp [6], Reduction [7], Rejection [8], and FACT [9]

  • Python packages and environment are included in baseline.yml.
  • command to run: python3 benchmark.py -m [model name] -f [fair method] -c [constraint] -n [num iter] -i [inputfile] -s [seed]
  • Options for arguments:
    • [model name]: gbm, logit, rf (Default: gbm)
    • [fair method]: reduction, eqodds, roc (Default: reduction)
    • [constraint]: eo, sp, (Default: eo)
    • [num iter]: Any positive integer (Default: 10)
    • [inputfile]: hsls, enem-20000, enem-50000, ... (Default: hsls)
    • [seed]: Any integer (Default: 42)
  • Results of this program will be saved in results/ folder with the file name of the form [fair method]_[model name]_s[seed]_[constraint].pkl. You can open the result file by running the following command: import pickle; result = pickle.load(open([filename], 'rb’))

leveraging-python/ contains Python implementation of LevEqOpp [6]. The original implementation was in R language.

results/: stores all computation results as pickle files.

plot_figures.ipynb: reproduces all figures in the paper.


  title={Beyond Adult and {\{}COMPAS{\}}: Fairness in Multi-Class Prediction via Information Projection},
  author={Alghamdi, Wael and Hsu, Hsiang and Jeong, Haewon and Wang, Hao and Michalak, P Winston and Asoodeh, Shahab and Calmon, Flavio P},
  booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},


[1] M. Lichman. UCI machine learning repository, 2013.

[2] Julia Angwin, Jeff Larson, Surya Mattu, and Lauren Kirchner. Machine bias. ProPublica, 2016.

[3] Ingels, S. J., Pratt, D. J., Herget, D. R., Burns, L. J., Dever, J. A., Ottem, R., Rogers, J. E., Jin, Y., and Leinwand, S. (2011). High school longitudinal study of 2009 (hsls: 09): Base-year data file documentation. nces 2011-328. National Center for Education Statistics.

[4] Moritz Hardt, Eric Price, and Nati Srebro. Equality of opportunity in supervised learning. Advances in neural information processing systems, 29:3315–3323, 2016.

[5] Geoff Pleiss, Manish Raghavan, Felix Wu, Jon Kleinberg, and Kilian Q Weinberger. On fairness and calibration. arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.02012, 2017.

[6] Evgenii Chzhen, Christophe Denis, Mohamed Hebiri, Luca Oneto, and Massimiliano Pontil. Leveraging labeled and unlabeled data for consistent fair binary classification. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 32, 2019.

[7] Alekh Agarwal, Alina Beygelzimer, Miroslav Dudík, John Langford, and Hanna Wallach. A reductions approach to fair classification. In International Conference on Machine Learning, pages 60–69. PMLR, 2018.

[8] F. Kamiran, A. Karim, and X. Zhang. Decision theory for discrimination-aware classification. In 2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining, pages 924–929, Dec 2012.

[9] Joon Sik Kim, Jiahao Chen, and Ameet Talwalkar. FACT: A diagnostic for group fairness trade-offs. In International Conference on Machine Learning, pages 5264–5274. PMLR, 2020.