Started at 2018/04/12
- 綁定公眾號(用微信綁定成為公眾號的開發者)
- 下載微信開發者工具
- 開啟專案並申請APP ID (此步驟需要郵箱和{大陸身分證}使用台胞證非常麻麻煩建議使用企業的證照或請人代辦)
- 關注公眾號後才能玩此遊戲
- 每人每天限定遊戲次數 (三次)
- 開始轉盤後指向一獎品並提示在何處領獎(前端)
- 紀錄獲得的獎項內容(前端)
You have to follow the wechat page to play this game.
Limit how much time each days.
Start turning the table and show where can get the award.(font-ent)
Record the award which user got from this game legally.(font-ent)
the remain chances depend on random (num).