deformable_conv2d layer implemented in pytorch. and I wrote several articles on ZHIHU, you can read it for more detailed information
1.deformable变形卷积pytorch实现(第一节Custom op extension) 2.deformable变形卷积pytorch实现(第二节deformable_conv2d 实现一)
besides, I also complete an example net, here
and I'm very sorry that I did not implement the swapaxis methods, so the im2col_step parameter are only allowed using value one.
- OS: ubuntu16.04
- GPU: 1 gtx1080Ti
- LANGUAGE: python3.6.8 & c++11 & cuda c
- DL FRAMEWORK: Pytorch 1.0.1
- ANCILLARY LIB: setuptools: 36.4.0, numpy: 1.15.4
- GPU API: NVIDIA CUDA 9.0 & cuDNN 7.0
- COMPILE: nvcc & gcc 5.4.0
- cd "current project"
- run
tips: you need to modify the path parameters first. and all the -I and -L path in the nvcc and g++ orders need to be checked, make sure they are the correct path in your system - import into your python file, and you can call the class BasicDeformableConv2D then.