
[FreeTutorials.Us] Udemy - Angular 6 (formerly Angular 2) - The Complete Guide

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[FreeTutorials.Us] Udemy - Angular 6 (formerly Angular 2) - The Complete Guide

Installed Angular Latest

npm install angular@latest

ng new myApp //server run on default port 4200 cd myApp ng serve

Getting started ==> stop at Editing First App

Create a workspace and initial application

//Start creating angular ng new my-first-app

//Run ng web server ng serve

Course Structure
The Basic
component & data binding
Services & Dependency Injection
Optimization & NgModules
Animation & Testing

Installed bootstrap
npm install --save bootstrap@3

angular.json configure CLI 

import style in angular.json by adding or searching

Ends at 7.Course Structure

2. How an Angular App gets Loaded and Started

index.html under the body tag represent for all app.component main.ts ==> import { AppModule } from './app/app.module'; passed the AppModule to the method NOTE ==> Angular is a JSFramework, changing your DOM(HTML) at runtime Each component have own template, html, business logic Component is the decorator ==> enhance your class, element selector ==> html element alble to use component later after add new component need to change app.module.ts to use it angular use component to build web pages use module to bundle component as packages after add new component need to change app.module.ts to use it add declaration in app.module.ts to know the added new component user youreditor+emmet to suggestion https://code.visualstudio.com/blogs/2017/08/07/emmet-2.0 add autoclose tag extension in your ide if end tag doesn't show after enter first tag

7. Creating Components with the CLI & Nesting Components

ng generate component servers ng g c servers

Working with component style

to use multi-line expression ==> use `` instead of '' Attribut e Selector selector: '[app-servers]', use it in html element as a tag
Class Selector selector: '.app-servers',
//Should use this element style Element Selector ( Element Tag) selector: 'app-server',

Data Binding

[disabled]= "!allowNewServer" Event Binding (event) = "expression"

Data binding is communication between typescript(business logic) and template(html) Property binding and event binding Add Server Declaring variable in Typescript serverId:number = 10; serverStatus:String = 'Offline'; Casting as HTMLInputElement ==> user $event to fetch the data To be able to use ngModel ==> FormModule from (@angular/forms) need to abe added to import array in AppModule (default in CLI project)

Two way Data binding

Notes ==> Don't use space between [( and )] otherwise raised error DOMException: Failed to execute 'setAttribute' on 'Element': '[(' is not a valid attribute name.

What are directive?

Directives are instructions in the DOM.

*ngIf only on when the condition is true html element is added dynamically

Server was created, server name is {{serverName}}

ngIf with else noServer is like marker

Server was created, server name is {{serverName}}

No Server was created

Unlike structural directives, attribute directives don't add or remove elements. They only change the element they were placed on. [] ==> indicate want to bind some data on directive ngStyle attribute directive


Creating Course Project

Installed Jquery

		npm install --save jquery

Installed bootstrap

		npm install --save bootstrap@3

Adding global css style

add angular.json or angular-cli.json ==> add in style array

Generate Component Manually

		ng generate component componentName --spec false // set false to prevent the creation of testing file
		ng g c componentName --spec false 
		ng g c specificFolderName/componentName -- spec false

Creating Model

export class Ingredient{
    public name: string;
    public amount: number;
constructor(name: string, amount: number){
    this.name = name;
    this.amount =  amount;

} same as export class Ingredient{ constructor(public name: string, public amount: number){} }


Use aguary for debugging in chrome,browser https://augury.rangle.io/

Running old version from new version ==> angular cli version raised error like ERROR in node_modules/rxjs/internal/types.d.ts(81,44): error TS1005: ';' expected. solve by ReactiveX/rxjs#4540

"rxjs": "^6.0.0" change "rxjs": "6.0.0" and next go to terminal and install npm using this command "npm i" enjoy

Custom property binding

Passing model from main app component to child component ==> type script syntax defining the type => element may only have this type ==> like class have fields element: {type: string, name: string, content: string};

declare @Input() in main component's passing data @Input() element: {type: string, name: string, content: string};

in main component html passing element using decorator [] as element <app-server-element *ngFor="let serverElement of serverElements" [element]="serverElement"> in child component need to add @Input() in passing element decorator @Input() element: {type: string, name: string, content: string};

Assigning an alias to custom properties

@Input('srvElement') element: {type: string, name: string, content: string};

passing own event to out of the component

@Output() serverCreated = new EventEmitter<{serverName: string, serverContent: string}>();

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