

In JavaScript classes, you need to always call super when defining the constructor of a subclass. All React component classes that have a constructor should start with a super(props) call.


The DOM element’s onClick attribute has a special meaning to React because it is a built-in component. For custom components like Square, the naming is up to you. We could give any name to the Square’s onClick prop or Board’s handleClick method, and the code would work the same. In React, it’s conventional to use on[Event] names for props which represent events and handle[Event] for the methods which handle the events.

Complex Features Become Simple Immutability makes complex features much easier to implement. Later in this tutorial, we will implement a “time travel” feature that allows us to review the tic-tac-toe game’s history and “jump back” to previous moves. This functionality isn’t specific to games — an ability to undo and redo certain actions is a common requirement in applications. Avoiding direct data mutation lets us keep previous versions of the game’s history intact, and reuse them later.