
Budget app is a web application that allows users to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Users can add categories to keep track of their financial expenses. In each category, users can add purchases. On the category page, users can view the total amount of purchase items.

Primary LanguageRuby

Budget App

📗 Table of Contents

📖 Budget app

Budget app is a web application that allows users to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Users can add categories to keep track of their financial expenses. In each category, users can add purchases. On the category page, users can view the total amount of purchase items. When looking at the purchase page, users can see detailed data for each purchase.

🛠 Built With

Tech Stack

  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • Database
  • Postgres
  • Key Features

    • Built using Ruby on Rails

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    🚀 Live Demo

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    🎬 VIdeo Walkthrough

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    💻 Getting Started

    To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.


    In order to run this project you need:

        ruby >= 3.2.0
        rails >= 7.0
        postgres >- 15.3


    Clone this repository to your desired folder:

      git clone https://github.com/HtetWaiYan7191/budget-app.git

    You need to setup database for these project

      development = budget_dev
      test        = budget_test
      production  = budget-production

    or you can use your own database and change the config/database.yml

      default: &default
        adapter: postgresql
        encoding: unicode
        pool: 5
        username: [your_username]
        password: [your_password]
        host: localhost
        <<: *default
        database: [your_database_for_development]
        <<: *default
        database: [your_database_for_test]
        <<: *default
        database: [your_database_for_production]


    Install this project with:

      cd budget-app
      bundle install

    it will install the required gemfile for running the project


    to use this project:

       bin/rails server

    it will run the the server on localhost:3000

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    👥 Author

    👤 Htet Wai Yan

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    🔭 Future Features

    • Add Animation

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    🤝 Contributing

    Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

    Feel free to check the issues page.

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    ⭐️ Show your support

    If you like this project you can share this project to your friend

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    🙏 Acknowledgments

    This replica was originally designed by Gregoire Vella in Behance. Checkout Gregoire Vella's design here

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    📝 License

    This project is MIT licensed.

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