
Build an Image Segmentation System using python

Primary LanguagePython


Build an Image Segmentation System using python

Using k-means to segment image

Build a 5 dimension feature (r,g,b,x,y), using opencv3.0's k-means to do clustering.

In main/ directory, run

python3 kmeans_segementation.py -i [input-path] -o [output-path] -o2 [output-binary-boundary] -k [cluster-number, default=16]

Using mean shift to segment image

Build a 5 dimension feature (r,g,b,x,y), using sklearn's mean shift to do clustering. Also able to estimate the bandwidth.

In main/ directory, run

python3 mean_shift_segmentation.py -i [input-path] -o1 [output-path] -o2 [output-binary-boundary] -k [bandwidth size, default=16]


Here we use the dataset named Berkeley Segmentation Data Set and Benchmarks 500 (BSDS500). It contains the ground truth of segmentation. We compare the predicted boundary with the ground truth boundary by check whether they match in a small patch. The precision is the matched points percentage from the predicted boundary image, while the recall is from the ground truth boundary images.

After evaluation on 200 images from the BSDS500, the results are shown below:

K-means segmentation:
Average precision is: 0.489229963883
Average recall is:0.815504692566

Mean-shift segmentation:
Average precision is: 0.462586406933
Average recall is:0.925816063301

We can see that the mean shift method gets better segmentation than k-means.


Python 3.6.2

Python packages:

  • numpy (1.13.3)
  • scipy (1.0.0)
  • scikit-learn (0.19.1)
  • opencv-python (


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