- 2
1.21.1 update for Folia
#30 opened by lamlam098 - 0
Time Easing function to recover blocks
#29 opened by LittleQuartZ - 1
When is folia-1.21 compatible?
#28 opened by guojiaqiang123 - 12
Plugin not working with 1.21?
#26 opened by schroding3r - 6
1.21 Breeze Issue
#27 opened by nexuhs - 2
1.20.4 server
#25 opened by 123yuyu123 - 2
1.20.6 support
#24 opened by minamikana-git - 1
duplication problem
#19 opened by 5RoD - 1
incompatible with fancy physics plugin.
#23 opened by NoobFlyyy - 4
The frame will fall out
#22 opened by ZullaX - 8
is there a way to recover automatically?
#21 opened by MkYnhSn - 3
Fence bug
#20 opened by SailLively - 7
How should I turn off TNT recovery
#18 opened by paqi-cry - 0
[BUG] Duplication of items in double chests
#15 opened by HttpRafa - 2
[SUGGESTION] Text customizability
#10 opened by Onako2 - 1
[Suggestion] Block Blacklist
#7 opened by LadyHaley - 0
[Suggestion] World Blacklist
#9 opened by LadyHaley - 1
[Suggestion] Recover Delay
#8 opened by LadyHaley - 2
IMPORTANT: Duplication bug
#5 opened by Onako2 - 3
Music Disc Bug
#3 opened by ItsRainingHP - 1
TNT also is rebuilt
#2 opened by squaresaresquare