
Yet another trojan-gfw in Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


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Yet another trojan-gfw implementation in Rust.


  • Server mode only (for now).
  • Supports Redis auth & flow stat.
  • Uses OpenSSL as crypto backend.
  • Uses tokio as async runtime.
  • Accurate flow stat (includes TLS overhead).

How trojan handles connections

  • Not a TLS connection or TLS handshake failed: Connection Reset. (including SNI mismatch if not present in cert SAN)
  • SNI mismatch: Redirect to fallback
  • Expected TLS but not a trojan request: Redirect to fallback.
  • Trojan request but password incorrect: Redirect to fallback.
  • Trojan request and password correct: Work as a proxy tunnel.

How the fallback server (usually) works

  • Not HTTP Request: 400 Bad Request
  • HTTP Request:
    • GET: 404 Not Found
    • Other: 405 Methon Not Allowed

This is like most cdn endpoints' behavior if you don't have a correct resource path.


cargo build --release


    trojan-rust [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --config <config>          [default: config.toml]
        --log-level <log-level>    [env: LOGLEVEL=] [default: info]

Docker Image

docker run -p 443:443 llc1123/trojan-rust example.toml
# or use github container registry
docker run -p 443:443 ghcr.io/llc1123/trojan-rust example.toml



# mode = "server" # optional

## uses default values if not present
# [trojan]
# password = [] # optional
## uses built-in if not present
# fallback = "baidu.com:80" # optional

# listen = "" # optional
# tcp_nodelay = false # optional
# sni = [] # optional
cert = "fullchain.pem" # required
key = "privkey.pem" # required

## uses default values if not present
# [outbound]
## Useful when you don't want your clients have access to your local network especially the redis server.
# block_local = false  # optional

## doesn't use redis if not present
# [redis]
# server = "" # optional

Multiple hostnames

You can use as many hostnames as they are contained in the certificate provided. Or use all hostnames in the certificate SAN if left absent or empty.

For example:

SAN in cert: a.example.com b.example.com
SNI: []
a.example.com ✔️
b.example.com ✔️
other.com ❌

SAN in cert: a.example.com b.example.com
SNI: ["a.example.com"]
a.example.com ✔️
b.example.com ❌
other.com ❌

SAN in cert: a.example.com b.example.com
SNI: ["a.example.com", "b.example.com"]
a.example.com ✔️
b.example.com ✔️
other.com ❌

SAN in cert: a.example.com b.example.com
SNI: ["c.example.com"]
Error on startup

Wildcard SNI matching

Trojan-rust supports wildcard certificates.

For example:

SAN in cert: *.example.com
SNI: []
a.example.com ✔️
b.example.com ✔️
example.com ❌ // doesn't match wildcard
a.b.example.com ❌ // doesn't match wildcard
other.com ❌

SAN in cert: *.example-a.com, *.example-b.com
SNI: []
a.example-a.com ✔️
a.example-b.com ✔️
other.com ❌

SAN in cert: *.example.com, example.com
SNI: []
example.com ✔️
a.example.com ✔️
other.com ❌

SAN in cert: *.example.com, example.com
SNI: ["example.com"]
example.com ✔️
a.example.com ❌
other.com ❌

SAN in cert: *.example.com
SNI: ["a.example.com"] 
a.example.com ✔️
b.example.com ❌
other.com ❌

SAN in cert: *.example.com, example.com
SNI: ["*.example.com"] 
a.example.com ✔️
b.example.com ✔️
example.com ❌
other.com ❌

Redis Auth

Add a user:

HSET [sha224(password)] download 0 upload 0

Trojan-rust checks if the hash exists in redis on each connection. If true, the user is authenticated and the flow will be recorded.

Trojan-rust DOES NOT offer a method adding or removing a user. Please do it by yourself.

Don't forget to enable block_local feature to avoid attacks.

SSL key logging

Enabled by setting environment variable SSLKEYLOGFILE=filename.

For debug use only. Never use in production.


  • Client mode
  • TPROXY mode
  • Benchmarks
  • Wildcards in SNI config


PRs welcome


Trojan-rust is MIT licensed.

FOSSA Status