UrbanSound8K Audio Classification and Speech Command Dataset Classification with ResNet-18

This project aims to classify the environmental sounds from the UrbanSound8K dataset, using a ResNet-18 architecture.
In addition, Google's Speech Command Dataset is also classified using the ResNet-18 architecture.


This is a standard train-dev-test split on all the 8732 datapoints from the dataset.

The test, validation, and train accuracies from the approach are reported below. Data is split into train-dev-test split of roughly 60-20-20

1. Test Accuracy: 77.61%
This is the best test accuracy reported using a standard train-dev-test split.

2. Training Accuracy: 100% alt text

3. Validation Accuracy: 77.26% alt text

This is the dataset creator's recommended approach: 10-fold Cross Validation, using all data in each fold for training and validation.
The average of the validation accuracy, training accuracy, and training loss across 10-folds is taken at the end of each epoch.
The per-fold validation accuracy, training accuracy, and training loss are also reported.
No test accuracy is reported as no test data is available.

The training accuracy reaches 100% within 51 folds.
The average training accuracy reaches 100% within 5 epochs.
The average validation accuracy reaches 99.78% after 9 epochs

1. Validation-accuracy per-fold alt text

2. Average Vaildation accuracy per epoch alt text


  1. Test Accuracy is 87.10% (~ 11,004 datapoints) This is the test accuracy on a sample of 11,004 voice files

  2. Training Accuracy is 98.47% (84,845 datapoints) This is the training accuracy after 30 epochs alt text

  3. Validation Accuracy is 90.17% (9,980 datapoints) This is the validation accuracy after 30 epochs alt text


UrbanSound 8K Dataset
The UrbanSound8K dataset information can be found here: https://urbansounddataset.weebly.com/urbansound8k.html
This dataset contains 8732 labeled sound excerpts (<=4s) of urban sounds from 10 classes: air_conditioner, car_horn, children_playing, dog_bark, drilling, enginge_idling, gun_shot, jackhammer, siren, and street_music.

Speech Commands DataSet
The Speech Commands Dataset contains just over 100K speech keywords in 35 labels.
This can be found in the link: https://storage.cloud.google.com/download.tensorflow.org/data/speech_commands_v0.02.tar.gz
This is the dataset released by Google Research, related to Keyword Spotting. The paper about the dataset is here: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.03209.pdf

Residual Networks
The ResNet-18 architecture is the residual network architecture with 18 layers. More information on Residual Networks can be found in the link to the paper: ('Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition': https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.03385).
Residual Networks were initially used for Image Object Detection and Image Classification.

ResNet-18 on UrbanSound8K and Speech Commands Dataset
Inspired by work from Google Research for Audio Classification ('CNN Architectures for Large Scale Audio Classification': https://ai.google/research/pubs/pub45611), this github project was born with the idea to use Residual Networks for Audio Classification of Environmental Sound data such as the UrbanSound8K. The ResNet-18 layer was selected, with the aim to create a smaller model that could be optimized and deployed for smaller devices such as Mobile Phone and Raspberry Pi.

The original ResNet building block is used (Convolution -> Batch Normalization -> ReLU -> Convolution -> Batch Normalization -> Shortcut Addition -> ReLU), as can be seen modeled in the below diagram
(Source: Kaiming He et. al, 'Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks')
alt text

Data Pre-Processing
The following Data pre-processing steps were applied:

  1. All .wav files were downsampled to 16KHz with single (Mono) channel
  2. Spectogram was extracted from the audio signal, and a Mel Filterbank was applied to the raw spectogram (using the librosa package). The number of Mel Filterbanks applied is 128.
  3. Log of the Mel Filterbanks was taken, after adding a small offset (1e-10)
  4. The number of frames is extracted from each .wav file. Any frames after the 75th frame from the .wav file are discarded. If the .wav file has less than 75 frames, zero padding is applied. To generate the frames, the default settings from the librosa package were used.
  5. Batch-size of 250 was selected, to give the inputs to the model as [250,75,128] ([batch_size, frame_length, number_mel_filterbanks_frequecies]

Model, Optimizer, and Loss details

  1. Resnet-18 Model is used with ResNet v1 block, with the final layer being a dense layer for 10 classes.
  2. Adam Optimizer is used with initial learning rate of 0.01.
  3. Categorical Cross-Entropy Loss is used with mean reduction.
  4. Full-batch-size is used for training and gradient descent, given the small dataset size.
  5. Model is run through 100 epochs in APPROACH 1.

The tensorflow building blocks for the ResNet-18 architecture were adapted from the following github account: https://github.com/dalgu90/resnet-18-tensorflow. The adaptation is a simpler version of the original residual network building blocks from the github account.