
A CLI and Desktop GUI app to clean dev dependencies (node_modules, cache) and more.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Crates.io Version Rust publish

devclean is a tool and library for cleaning up development directories.


Supported Languages/Projects

  • Node.js node_modules
  • Rust target

Adding Support for Other Languages

I currently only support Node.js and Rust projects as these are the languages that contribute the most to my disk usage.

If you would like to see support for other languages, please open an issue or a PR.

It's very easy to add support for another language.

Look at examples in devclean/src/predicates/languages/node.rs and devclean/src/predicates/languages/rust.rs

Implement the 4 traits for a language predicate struct

  • LanguagePredicate
    • Check whether the current path is in a project of this language.
    • e.g. Check if parent dir has a package.json
  • Removable
    • Check if the current path is removable
    • e.g. Check if the current path is a node_modules directory
  • Stop
    • Check if path traversal should stop
    • e.g. Stop scanning if the current path is a node_modules directory
  • Reportable
    • Sometimes we don't want to remove a directory. This trait is designed as a wrapper layer over Removable. If the currently feature is trying to find removable directories to clean, reportable simply calls is_removable from Removable. In the scanner, Reportable is used to determine whether to report the directory as one of the results.
    • For other features like find-dirty-git, reportable means the directory should be reported as a dirty git repo.


The GUI App can be found in the releases.



cargo install devclean


Find Git Repo with Uncommitted Changes

Before removing a directory, it is important to check if there are any uncommitted changes in the directory. This feature finds all git repositories with uncommitted changes.

devclean find-dirty-git <path>
❯ devclean find-dirty-git ..
⠁ Scanning: /Users/xxx/Dev/projects/devclean
Path                                | Depth | Size
 /Users/xxx/Dev/projects/devclean | 0     | 1.3 GiB

Find Cache and Dependencies Directories To Clean

Code projects can have large cache and dependency directories that can be cleaned up to save disk space.

Supported Projects / Languages
  • Node.js node_modules
  • Rust target
devclean <path>
devclean <path> --dry-run   # Won't remove anything
devclean <path> --all       # Select all found directories by default
devclean <path> -y          # Skip confirmation
devclean <path> -t          # Time Scanning and Cleaning