
S.O.M.A (Shiba Observe Monitoring Assistant) is a tool designed to monitor and track new litters of Shiba Inu puppies available in France.

Primary LanguagePython

📍 S.O.M.A (Shiba Observe Monitoring Assistant)

S.O.M.A (Shiba Observe Monitoring Assistant) is a tool designed to monitor and track new litters of Shiba Inu puppies available on various breeder websites in France. The primary function of this project is to scrape these websites for information about new litters and send notifications when new puppies are available.

🔮 Stack

Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge

🚀 Getting Started

System Requirements:

  • Python 3.10+
  • Package manager/Container: pip, docker

🛰️ Environnement Variables



You can create a Wechat interface account from this link

These environnement variables are required for WeChat integrations :

WX_KF_ACCOUNT='your_wechat_kf_account'  # identifier of the service account, must be "x@x" format
WX_NICK_NAME='your_wechat_nickname'     # nickname of the service account, the one displayed when you receive a message
WX_PASSWORD='your_wechat_password'      # password of the service account, not very important
WX_TOUSER='your_wechat_touser_id'       # You can make people subscribe by scanning the QR Code from the Wechat dashboard page, you will receive an unique id for each user, add every account you wan't to be notified separated by a comma (id1,id2...)

💻 Installation

From source

Clone the repository

$ git clone https://github.com/Huang-Frederic/S.O.M.A
$ cd S.O.M.A

Install Python Dependencies

$ python -m venv env
$ env/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `env\Scripts\activate`
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Set Up Environment Variables

# Create a .env file in the root directory of your project and add the following environment variables


Run the project

$ python main.py

From Docker

Build the Docker Image:

$ docker pull -t hisshiden/soma:latest

# if you cannot found the image on DockerHub, build it from the source from the Dockerfile

$ docker build -t whatever_name .

Run the Docker container:

$ docker run -it \
    -e WX_APP_ID='your_wechat_app_id' \
    -e WX_SECRET_ID='your_wechat_secret_id' \
    -e WX_KF_ACCOUNT='your_wechat_kf_account' \
    -e WX_NICK_NAME='your_wechat_nickname' \
    -e WX_PASSWORD='your_wechat_password' \
    -e WX_TOUSER='your_wechat_touser_id' \
    hisshiden/soma:latest # or whatever_name

Github Actions

Go to your repository, navigate to "Secrets" and add the following secrets :


Now you can set up Github Actions workflow from ./workflows/main.yml that is configured to be manually activated, you can uncheck the comented code for schedule functionality.

🗺️ Future possible features

  • Scrap Sakura Kensha web site
  • Add Wechat Notifications
  • Add Discord Notifications
  • Scrap Chuken Kikusou web site

🚶‍♂️ Author

🔗 Acknowledgements

Shiba Breeding Websites :

Usefull Documentations :