Now supporting several exchanges real time high, low, last prices as below, and expected to support other market informations in 0.3.x. Welcome to open issues or leave a comment.
- Coinbase
- Bitstamp
- Bitfinex
- OKCoin
- itBit
npm install bitcoinex
var bitcoinex = require('bitcoinex');
// exchangeName now only support 'coinbase', 'bitstamp', 'bitfinex', 'okcoin', 'itbit'
// currency now only support 'usd', 'eur', 'cny', 'twd'
// bitcoinex.getPriceWith(exchangeName, currency, callback)
bitcoinex.getPriceWith('bitstamp', 'usd', function(err, priceObject) {
if (err) {
else {
/* priceObject
exchangeName: 'bitstamp',
currency: 'usd',
high: 427.99,
low: 415.82,
last: 423
Or, you can just try example.js and see what would happen.
node example.js