
DataScience, Engineering, Analysis, ...

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  1. Introductions
  2. File Descriptions
  3. Copyright


In order to efficiently do the data-science-related tasks, I decided to put some practical scrips and files here. One can use the scrips to accelerate analysis process.

File Descriptions

  • DataPreprocessing
    | -
    | |-
    | |-

  • NLP (Natural Language Processing)
    |- NLP_Pipelines (The contents from "Udacity: Data Science Nana Degree)
    | |-
    |- NLP_practices
    | |-
    |- (WIP)

  • README.md


Some contents are from "Udacity: Data Science Nana Degree", so if you would like to use, do not forget to mention it. Cheers.