
Primary LanguagePython

How to install and use the S3Objects macro in your AWS account

The S3Objects macro adds a new resource type: AWS::S3::Object which you can use to populate an S3 bucket.

You can either create new S3 objects or copy S3 buckets from other buckets that you have permissions to access.

As with any other CloudFormation resource, if you delete a stack containing S3 objects defined with this macro, those objects will be deleted.

A typical use case for this macro might be, for example, to populate an S3 website with static assets.


  1. You will need an S3 bucket to store the CloudFormation artifacts:

    • If you don't have one already, create one with aws s3 mb s3://<bucket name>
  2. Package the CloudFormation template. The provided template uses the AWS Serverless Application Model so must be transformed before you can deploy it.

    aws cloudformation package \
        --template-file macro.template \
        --s3-bucket <your bucket name here> \
        --output-template-file packaged.template
  3. Deploy the packaged CloudFormation template to a CloudFormation stack:

    aws cloudformation deploy \
        --stack-name s3objects-macro \
        --template-file packaged.template \
        --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
  4. To test out the macro's capabilities, try launching the provided example template:

    aws cloudformation deploy \
        --stack-name s3objects-macro-example \
        --template-file example.template \
        --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM


To make use of the macro, add Transform: S3Objects to the top level of your CloudFormation template.

Here is a trivial example template:

Transform: S3Objects
    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket

    Type: AWS::S3::Object
        Bucket: !Ref Bucket
        Key: README.md
        ContentType: text/plain
      Body: Hello, world!


Creating a new S3 object

To create a new S3 object, add an AWS::S3::Object resource to your template and specify the Target and Body properties. For example:

  Type: AWS::S3::Object
      Bucket: !Ref TargetBucket
      Key: README.md
    Body: |
      # My text file

      This is my text file;
      there are many like it,
      but this one is mine.

The Target property has the following sub-properties:

  • Bucket (REQUIRED): The name of the bucket that will store the new object

  • Key (REQUIRED): The location within the bucket

  • ACL (OPTIONAL - Default private): Sets a canned ACL for the new object

The following sub-properties also apply if you are creating a new object (but not if you are copying an object from another S3 bucket):

  • ContentType (OPTIONAL): Sets a custom content type for the new object

The Body property simply takes a string which will be used to populate the new object.

Creating a new S3 object from binary data

You can create a binary file by using the Base64Body property and supplying your content base64-encoded. For example:

  Type: AWS::S3::Object
      Bucket: !Ref TargetBucket
      Key: 1pixel.gif

Copying an S3 object from another bucket

To copy an S3 object, you need to specify the Source property as well as the Target. For example:

  Type: AWS::S3::Object
      Bucket: !Ref SourceBucket
      Key: index.html
      Bucket: !Ref TargetBucket
      Key: index.html
      ACL: public-read

The Source property has the following sub-properties:

  • Bucket (REQUIRED): The bucket to copy from

  • Key (REQUIRED): The key of the S3 object that will be copied


Steve Engledow
Senior Solutions Builder
Amazon Web Services