

Library to enable automatic filtering of JSON responses from JAX-RS endpoints. Clients specify via query params what properties they want and the library handles filtering the response entities down to just those properties (see here for some examples). Tested with Jersey but should work with any JAX-RS implementation.

Maven dependency

To use module on Maven-based projects, use following dependency:


(or whatever version is most up-to-date at the moment)


  1. Register PropertyFilteringMessageBodyWriter with your JAX-RS implementation
  2. Annotate the desired endpoints with @PropertyFiltering
  3. Profit

Yes, it's just that simple.


Let's assume you have an endpoint annotated with @PropertyFiltering that returns JSON of the form:

  "id": 54,
  "name": "Object",
  "child": {
    "id": 96,
    "name": "Child Object"

If you just need the id field you can pass ?property=id which will return:

  "id": 54

Nested fields are also supported with dot-notation, so if you need the child id as well, you can pass ?property=id&property=child.id which will return:

  "id": 54,
  "child": {
    "id": 96

You can also specify fields by exclusion rather than inclusion, so if you don't need the child field but want everything else you can pass ?property=!child which will return:

  "id": 54,
  "name": "Object"