
A tiny table plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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  A tiny table

What is teeble?

Teeble is a set of Backbone views and collection abstractions around backbone.paginator.

You are able to page, sort and filter your data easily by creating views that pass events to backbone.paginator

Getting Started

Download the production version or the development version.



Currently you can choose from server-side processing of the pagination, filtering and sorting (Teeble.ServerCollection) or client-side (Teeble.ClientCollection). Extending your Backbone collection from one of these base collections will set it up to use all of the backbone.paginator methods



Teeble's main controller is the TableView. This view contains all of the major event bindings and is in charge of rendering all of the subviews. You can extend this view to provide additional options, methods, events, etc.

TableView Parameters
  • table_class: optional class on the table element
  • subviews: optional overrides
  • partials
  • collection
  • footer
  • compile
Teeble Subviews
  • HeaderView: view that renders the header
  • FooterView: view the render the footer
  • RowView: view that renders each row
  • PaginationView: view that renders the pagination controls
  • EmptyView: view that is rendered if there is no data in the collection

Each of these views can be extended or overridden completely by passing them using the subviews parameter to the TableView or setting them explicitly in your extended TableView

Table Renderer

Teeble's table-renderer builds templates from partial definitions and renders the different parts of the view. These partials are defined in the partials parameter which allows you to define templates (header, cell, footer) for each column of the table. This allows you to update your table templates on the fly to do things like add, remove and rearrange columns. The renderer can also be extended or overwritten in the same way as the subviews


Netflix has shut down their OData API, so our server-side paging example doesn't fully work.


In lieu of a formal style-guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.

Also, please don't edit files in the "dist" subdirectory as they are generated via grunt. You'll find source code in the "lib" subdirectory!


  • Tests
  • Simpler templating option for less complex tables
  • Abstract the table renderer for other templating languages

Release History

  • 0.3.15: Move initialization of rows to initialize to prevent lingering reference
  • 0.3.14: Properly remove rows along with the table
  • 0.3.13: Pagination View has options manually attacehd as this.options
  • 0.3.12: Backbone Views options manually attached as this.options
  • 0.3.11: Add proper un/delegating of table events
  • 0.3.10: Allow overrides in pager() arguments for server-side collections
  • 0.3.9:
    • Allow HTML in empty message
    • Don't remove the views on destroy since destroy bubbles up from any model that is destroyed
    • Pass {reset: true} to Backbone when calling pager() on server-side collections.
  • 0.3.8: Add paginator filter for filtering on the entire model
  • 0.3.7: Render footer on collection reset
  • 0.3.5: Add eachAll() function to the client collection to use origModels
  • 0.3.4: Fix ServerCollection Bug
  • 0.3.3: Add getFromAll() function to the client collection to use origModels
  • 0.3.2: Attach falsey options in the constructor
  • 0.3.1: Updating backbone paginator to the latest public version
  • 0.3.0: Allow for multiple sort rules and override default sort on click
  • 0.2.1: Bug fix for pagination on ServerSideCollections
  • 0.2.0: Documentation, grunt, bug fixes
  • 0.1.0: Initial Release


Copyright (c) 2014 HubSpot Licensed under the MIT license.