A Minecraft Bukkit plugin for manipulating region files and easing builds backup/restore during map resets
Just copy the resulting jar file in your server plugins subdirectory and relaunch your server.
Developed with Java 1.8 (recompile if your server is running under a lower version) and tested only on Minecraft 1.7.10 with a KCauldron 1.52 server.
1.00 2017-01-25 Added the /resetmap command for resetting dimensions to marked items
Added a /verifyregion command for checking region files integrity
Modified the /showlocation command to indicate if a region/chunk is marked
Modified the /markarea command to say something after first corner marking
0.91 2016-11-09 Added a config.yml file for admin modifiable configuration
Added a /unmarkeverything command for testing players
Added a /listreports command for admins
0.9 2016-11-08 Initial public release
This open source software is distributed under a BSD license (see the "License" file for details).
Hubert Tournier
February 1st, 2017