An API for Minecraft / Forge / Bukkit server management and scripting.
You'll need to know the location of your Minecraft server root directory (the place where you have your file), and the operating system user and group it runs under.
After that just type "make install" and answer those questions.
For an initial installation, you'll have to tweak the settings to your taste in the .server-settings installed file. Else verify if there are new configuration items to import in your existing server configuration.
Also add the Commands and Scripts subdirectories to the PATH of your Minecraft system account.
Include the following line near the start of your shell scripts:
. .minecraft-library
Then you can use all the functions in the library.
Check Scripts/mcchat for a little example.
The functions list is located at the start of the .minecraft-library file. For parameters, check each function header.
The library is fully documented at the following Web address:
Developed and tested only on FreeBSD 10.1.
1.11 2016-12-19
Corrected blocking syntax typo in the stop script
Added an XRay mod to the mod's ban list
1.10 2016-09-30
Added a StripColors() function for filtering out color codes from logfiles
Added a DisplayChat() function for filtering the chat from a logfile
Added a GetClientSideModsForPlayer() function for getting the list of client side mods used by a player
Added a GetForbiddenModsForPlayer() function for getting the list of forbidden client side mods used by a player
Corrected errors in ToggleNbtValue(), GetOnlinePlayers()
Made generic wrappers for commands, with or without results to display
Separated the /mem and /mv who commands from the mem command
Corrected display glitches from the mem command
Moved all commands out of the server root directory, back in the Commands subdir
Added all the standard Minecraft commands
Added a Script sub-directory to store Scripts
Moved start* and stop commands to the Scripts subdirectory
Made the start command obey the .dontrestart directive and check if the server is already loaded
Added a mcchat script to display the chat
Added a mclast script to display players' log in and out from logfiles
Added a CronDetectCheaters Cron script to check if players are using forbidden client side mods and, if yes, apply justice to them
Added MSL_ForbiddenMods.txt and MSL_ForbiddenMods-full.txt config files in tge config subdir with the list of forbidden mods
Added usage and uninstall targets to the Makefile
1.00 2016-09-18 Initial public release
I'm considering to add custom shell commands, which could be implemented either through a non existent /-prefixed command to be caught in the server log, through a "/mail send" Bukkit Essentials command sent to an admin account, or better through a gateway mod or plugin which would also pass additional info (player position, item held, block being aimed at, etc.).
Everybody is also welcome to complete the forbidden client side mods list.
This open source software is distributed under a BSD license (see the "License" file for details).
Hubert Tournier December, 19 2016