WordPress Widget Templates

Work in Progress

These are a collection of widgets for use with WordPress (WP)

Custom Post Type Archives Widget


This is a widget themplate that can be used to create a date archives widget for a custom post type. See comment in the file for details and instructions.

This file also includes all the necessay rewrite rules to make date archives work on a custom post type.

This widget can also be used as a "Recent Posts" widget for a custom post type by setting the type to "Individual Posts by Post Date" and setting the limit to the number of posts you want to display.

Taxonomy Widget

(taxonomy-widget.php & taxonomy-widget.js)

This is a widget that is similar to the WP Category widget. This widget will let you choose any taxonomy to use for the terms displayed by the widget.

Taxonomy Cloud Widget


  • Not Completed *

This is a widget that is simialr to the WP Tag Cloud widget. Like the Taxonomy Widget, it let's you choose what taxonomy to use.

Authors Widget


  • Not Completed *

working out the details...