
A mobile application with Expo (React Native) to you read books with attention.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

List Of Books

In this project you will have a list with your favorites books, you can add new books and listening when you want, without any authentication, everything is stored offline, facilitating the user experience.
by Hubert Ryan!

About โœ

With Expo, the entire project has some navigations using React Navigation, the routes are: Home, Add Book, Profile & Read Book. All stored made with Redux using the Flux structure, helping to persist the data.

In the screen to read the book we use the library called Expo Speech to be able to read the description of the selected book.

Dependencies ๐Ÿ”ง

Below are all the dependencies that were used for this project to be completed. These three libraries were enough to make a project like this work.

  • Expo
  • Expo Speech
  • Expo Vector Icons
  • Redux
  • Redux Persist
  • Async Storage
  • React Navigation

Important: Development dependencies are few, especially Prettier to help in the organization and standardization of codes.

Getting Started ๐Ÿงจ

Install ๐Ÿ”Œ

First, you need to clone this project to an ideal location on your computer. You can clone either using the github command line or by downloading directly from the browser or the WINRAR file, after that, extract it.

Remembering that in this project we use Expo, so to start this project you must have installed Expo CLI to be able to work.

$ git clone https://github.com/HubertRyanOfficial/Foton-Test.git


Download direct to you computer with WINRAR or with GitHub Desktop.

Second, install all necessary project dependencies locally so that the project can run smoothly. Of course, go to the project folder before that!

$ yarn install


$ npm install

Run the project ๐Ÿ–ฅ

As I said above, you need Expo CLI !

Important: Without this configuration the application will not work!

Now just run.

$ yarn start


$ npm start

Now we can use and develop our project, are we going to test together with me? Let's Go!

Thank You ๐ŸŽ‰

Thank you so much for reading this repository and seeing my code shares, a huge hug! Always keep learning and updating.

By Hubert Ryan ๐Ÿ˜‹