Hey Dude!

Name's Hubert Ryan (BR) 💥

I'm a FullStack, Mobile developer and Designer UI from Brazil. Being challenged and keeping up to date are one of my motivations. Developer with the best main technologies:

Personal projects

Tapedin: https://tapedin.com.br
Sixcry: https://sixcry.com
CloudSky: https://cloudsky.app
Kova (CMS): https://usekova.com (IN_PROGRESS)

Connect with me:

Tapedin: @hubertryan
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hubertryanoff
Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/hubertryanofficial
E-mail: hubertryanofficial@gmail.com

Thanks for reading this repository and seeing my code shares, a huge hug! Always keep learning and updating.
By Hubert Ryan 😋