
A mobile app

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Welcome to the ListraCoins project documentation! ListraCoins is an application developed with Expo, React Navigation, TypeScript (NativeWind), Tailwind, Axios, and JSON Server.

Getting Started

To install and run the ListraCoins project in your development environment, follow these steps:

Make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine. You can download it from https://nodejs.org/.

  1. Clone the project repository from GitHub:

    git clone https://github.com/HubertRyanOfficial/listra-coins.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd listra-coins
  3. Install project dependencies using npm or yarn:

    npm install
    # or
    yarn install

Running the JSON Server

  1. Make sure you have JSON Server installed globally:

    npm install -g json-server
  2. Start the JSON server:

    json-server --watch db.json --port 3000

Running the Expo Project

  1. Install the Expo CLI globally:

    npm install -g expo-cli
  2. Start the Expo project:

    npx expo start

Project Overview

ListraCoins is an e-commerce application that allows users to view a list of available products, add products to the shopping cart, edit their profile, share products, and receive push notifications.


1. Authentication

Within the app, it's possible to create and log in with an account using email and password.

1. Product List

The product list is a central feature of the application. Users can view a variety of products available for purchase. Each item in the list displays product details such as name, price, and image.

  • Products are retrieved from the /products endpoint using Axios to make requests to the JSON Server API.
  • The user interface uses React Navigation to navigate between the product list and the product detail page.
  • Users can add products to the shopping cart by clicking the "Add to Cart" button on each item in the list.

2. User Profile

The user profile allows users to manage their personal information, such as name, address, and profile picture. Users have the ability to edit their profile picture.

  • User information is stored in the /users endpoint and accessed through Axios requests.
  • Users can edit their personal information on the profile page, including editing their profile picture.
  • The Expo ImagePicker library is used to allow users to select or take a photo for their profile picture.
  • After selecting the image, users have the option to upload and save the profile picture on the server.

2. Product Sharing

Users can share products with their friends through a simple long press on each item in the product list.

  • The sharing functionality is implemented using native operating system APIs, such as the Share API for mobile devices.
  • A long press on an item in the product list triggers the sharing option, allowing the user to share the product link with other installed apps on the device.

3. Mobile First

ListraCoins is developed with a "Mobile First" approach, ensuring an optimized user experience on offline mobile devices.

  • The layout and design of the application are adapted for smaller screens, prioritizing functionality and usability on mobile devices.
  • The user interface is responsive and adjusts automatically to different screen sizes and orientations.

4. Push Notifications

The application uses push notifications to keep users informed about promotions, product updates, and other important notifications.

  • The push notification functionality is integrated using the Expo Notifications library.
  • Users can choose to receive push notifications and configure their notification preferences in the application settings.


ListraCoins is a comprehensive e-commerce application that offers a variety of features to facilitate the user shopping experience. With an intuitive interface, advanced features, and a mobile-first approach, the application is designed to offer convenience and practicality to users during their online and offline shopping experiences.