Enchird Node.js Backend Template

This is Node.js + Typescript + Mongoose Express template. To be used for all Enchird Node.js Rest Api projects


Clone the project to your local computer and create a new branch, this will be the primary branch for all your code. Once you test you code and are ready to submit, create a pull request to the develop branch. NEVER PUSH DIRECTLY TO THE MASTER BRANCH. Merging to the master branch shall be done ONLY BY THE ADMINS


All models files end with *.model.ts and should be defined in the src/models directory, see the the example src/models/user.model.ts


Similar to models, controllers should end with *.controller.ts and should be defined in the path src/routers. For uniformity we recommend all you responses should have well defined status codes. 400* for client errors, 500* for server errors. Every endpoints response object should follow the format

interface TickketApiResponse {
    data?: any;             // The data to be passed to the client
    message?: string;       // A custom message, ex. "Saved to Database", or "There was an error adding this record",
    errorText?: string;     // For debugging purposes, please convert the error message to a string; see the in user.controller.ts

Please see the example in src/controllers/user.controller.ts.

Running the dev server

Rul locally with the command yarn dev or npm run dev. This script loads the the env file.


To build the project, run yarn build. This commands builds the project and outputs the files in the dist directory.