Incompatible to iOS 9, need help to fix it, go to for more infomation.

How to use?

Just type on spotlight

What can this tweak do for you?

  1. Search from your custom search engine, google,amazon,eBay,yahoo, even GoogleMap, AppStore and Cydia.
  2. Create task, event or reminder into these apps: Clear, Fantastical, Due, Things and Omnifocus.
  3. Other action power by url scheme.

How to configure

Firstly, go to Setting->CustomSpotlightActionPrefs to add your own action. An action consist of name, url and keyword. Use %@ to replace the query word. "http://" or "https://" is required for website url. Secondly, type "keyword query" on your spotlight. e.g. set keyword "G" for url "". Then when I want to search iPhone's case by google, type "G iPhone case" on spotlight and click search, then browser will open google for you.

Where can you find the URLs.

You can copy from url from Launch Center Pro and Drafts. Remember to replace [promt] or [[drafts]] to %@