
Short activity on regression. Data was collected from the 2024 TAS Fall Club Fair, from the Math Team, Computer Science Team, Physics Team, and Museum Enthusiasts.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


1. Create a google colab account.

You should have access once you create, or have, a google account.

If your organization does not allow access, use a personal gmail, or create one.

You should see something like this:


3. Copy the link to this github

Click on the green button that saids Code

Copy the link


4. Open the notebook in colab

Go back to google colab. In the choices on the left, select Github

Paste the link you copied from step 3 into the search bar.

Click under where it says repository and select MathTeamLinearRegression

Click on 2024ClubFair.ipynb


5. Add in the data

Click on the folder symbol on the left side of the screen. Upload signup_data.csv, either by downloading onto your computer(remember the location) and uploading it to colab, or uploading it through a google drive link.


6. Run the code.

Run each cell step by step by clicking on the arrow in the upper left. If you run into any issues, let us know.

For fitting your own function, please edit the second to last cell, the comments should indicate where you need to edit.

To find the $R^2$ value, run the last cell, while modifying the number of parameters and function.