Puzzling Journey for Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko

An interactive website for learning about the Digital Technologies curriculum content in a uniquely New Zealand setting.

The website is created using HTML, JS, and CSS, and packaged together using Parcel. It is deployed to a GitHub Pages website using GitHub Actions.

This website was produced through funding from the Ministry of Education for the National Digital Readiness Programme, Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko. It is hosted and maintained by the University of Canterbury, Computer Science Education Group.

Design Notes

  • Strong DT foundations in a New Zealand context.
  • Short, but high quality experience.
  • Repeatable with randomly generated tasks.
  • Available to be used for both PLD for teachers, and for teaching students.
  • Available in both English and Te Reo Māori.

Planned additions

The following features are planned to be added before the end of 2020:

  • Te Reo Māori version.
  • Installation guide.
  • Facilitators guide.
  • Behind the scenes information on creation process.


This website content is available under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0, and the interactive website is licensed under the MIT license. Any third party libraries used have their licenses listed in this GitHub repository. The Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko logo is under New Zealand Crown copyright.