Webpage Template

This is a webpage template designed to make simple websites using rmarkdown and github.

To get started on your own webpage follow these instructions:

  1. Open a terminal and clone my template webpage repository:

git clone https://github.com/nearinj/Template_webpage.git

  1. Rename it the folder so that its named after your github username

mv Template_webpage USERNAME.github.io

If your github username is JTNearing-broad you would want to rename the folder to JTNearing-broad.github.io

  1. Next we need to remove the previous git tracking information from the folder we just cloned.

cd USERNAME.github.io rm -rf .git

  1. Initialize it as a new repository.

git init

  1. Next we want commit our files to this new github project and commit them to the staging area and create a new main branch.

git add . git commit -m "First commit" git branch -M main

  1. Now we need to navigate to the github webpage and make a new resposity with the same name as the folder we just made.

  1. Link your new repository to the folder that we created and push our changes.

git remote add origin https://github.com/USERNAME/USERNAME.github.io.git git push -u origin main

  1. Update your new repository so that it builds the website from the ``docs/``` folder.

  1. Wait a minute and then checkout your new webpage at: USERNAME.github.io