The overall course goal is to give the participants knowledge on statistical methods and data analysis, with particular emphasis on the application of Analysis of Variance techniques using R software

📋 Applied Statistics using R software

Universita degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente

The overall course goal is to give the participants knowledge on statistical methods and data analysis, with particular emphasis on the application techniques using R software.


Class meets:

  1. please bring your own laptop with R software already installed.
  2. please verify that you have one internet connection ('eduroam' or others) working properly.
  3. please download the slides from this webpage

You can install R directly from https://www.r-project.org/, also you can install RStudio (https://www.rstudio.com/) to have a nice interface. If you are a complete beginner with R, I recommend reading this brief introduction. For the course you need the following packages:

install.packages("lme4") # For mixed models course

📓 Slides

  1. Cecchinato & Pegolo ANOVA

🚴 Exercises

💻 R scripts

If you want to use the scripts, please select, copy and paste the script in R. Otherwise you can download the PDF with the solutions.

  1. Descriptive Statistics and Normality
  2. One-Way ANOVA
  3. Complete Randomized Block Design
  4. Two-Way ANOVA
  5. Contrasts
  6. Completely Randomized Design with a Covariate

Extra: For Loop

📃 Datasets

To save a file to your pc, click it to view the contents within the GitHub, then in the top right, right click the Raw button, then save as... 💾

📚 Textbooks and Suplemental Readings

🌐 Usefull Links