
Implementation of all-neural speech recognition systems using Keras and Tensorflow

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

asr-study: a study of all-neural speech recognition models

This repository contains my efforts on developing an end-to-end ASR system using Keras and Tensorflow.

Training a character-based all-neural Brazilian Portuguese speech recognition model

Our model was trained using four datasets: CSLU Spoltech (LDC2006S16), Sid, VoxForge, and LapsBM1.4. Only the CSLU dataset is paid.

Set up the (partial) Brazilian Portuguese Speech Dataset (BRSD)

You can download the freely available datasets with the provided script (it may take a while):

$ cd data; sh download_datasets.sh

Next, you can preprocess it into an hdf5 file. Click here for more information.

$ python -m extras.make_dataset --parser brsp \
--input_parser mfcc --label_parser simple_char_parser

Train the network

You can train the network with the train.py script. For more usage information see this. To train with the default parameters:

$ python train.py --dataset .datasets/brsp/data.h5

Pre-trained model

You may download a pre-trained brsm v1.0 model over the full brsd dataset (including the CSLU dataset):

$ mkdir models; sh download_brsmv1.sh

Also, you can evaluate the model against the brsd test set

$ python eval.py --model models/brsmv1.h5 --dataset .datasets/brsd/data.h5

brsmv1.h5 training

Test set: LER 25.13% (using beam search decoder with beam width of 100)

Predicting the outputs

To predict the outputs of a trained model using some dataset:

$ python predict.py --model MODEL --dataset DATASET

Available dataset parsers

You can see in datasets/ all the datasets parsers available.

Creating a custom dataset parser

You may create your own dataset parser. Here an example:

class CustomParser(DatasetParser):

    def __init__(self, dataset_dir, name='default name', **kwargs):
        super(CustomParser, self).__init__(dataset_dir, name, **kwargs)

    def _iter(self):
      for line in dataset:
        yield {'duration': line['duration'],
               'input': line['input'],
               'label': line['label'],
               'non-optional-field': line['non-optional-field']}

    def _report(self, dl):
      args = extract_statistics(dl)
      report = '''General information
                  Number of utterances: %d
                  Total size (in seconds) of utterances: %.f
                  Number of speakers: %d''' % (args)

Available models

You can see all the available models in core/models.py

Creating a custom model

You may create your custom model. Here an example of CTC-based model

def custom_model(num_features=26, num_hiddens=100, num_classes=28):

    x = Input(name='inputs', shape=(None, num_features))
    o = x

    o = Bidirectional(LSTM(num_hiddens,
    o = TimeDistributed(Dense(num_classes))(o)

    return ctc_model(x, o)


There are a plenty of work to be done. All contributions are welcome :).

asr-related work

  • Add new layers
    • Batch normalized recurrent neural networks arXiv
    • Batch recurrent normalization arXiv
  • Reproduce topologies and results
  • Add language model
    • WFST
    • RNNLN
    • Beam search decoder with LM or CLM
  • Encoder-decoder models with attention mechanism
  • ASR from raw speech
  • Real-time ASR

brsp-related work

  • Investigate the brsdv1 model with
  • Increase the number of datasets (ideally with free datasets)
  • Improve the LER
  • Train a language model

code-related work

  • Test coverage
  • Examples
  • Better documentation
  • Improve the API
  • More features extractors, see audio and text
  • More datasets parsers
  • Implement a nice wrapper for Kaldi in order to enjoy their feature extractors
  • Better way of store the entire preprocessed dataset

Known bugs

  • High memory and CPU consumption
  • Predicting with batch size greater than 1 (Keras' bug)
  • warp-ctc does not seem to speed up training
  • zoneout implementation


basic requirements

  • Python 2.7
  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • Pyyaml
  • HDF5
  • Unidecode
  • Librosa
  • Tensorflow
  • Keras


  • warp-ctc (for fast CTC loss calculation)




See LICENSE.md for more information