
A simple preprocessor for WGSL

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A simple preprocessor for the WebGpu Shading Language.


I needed a preprocessor for some libraries I'm making but found that wgsl will not get an official preprocessor, at least not until 1.0. There are other options like wgsl_preprocessor and bevy's preprocessor, but wgsl_preprocessor does not have support for conditional code, and bevy's preprocessor isn't available as a seperate package.


  • Zero dependencies (< 1s compile time on M1 mac)
  • Advanced expressions in preprocessor directives:
    • Math and comparisons
      //:if (1.0 - size * 5.0) / 10.0 > 26.0
      //:if width != height || height > 500
    • Bit operations
      //:if BIT_FLAGS & BIT_3
      //:if BIT_FLAGS & 0b1000
  • Preprocessor directives are comments, they will not mess up your editor's highlighting


To use wgsl_plus's features, you need to create a WgslWorkspace and load the source code of your shaders into it, this can be done by pointing it to a folder containing your shaders, or by manually specifying shaders and their paths:


let mut workspace = WgslWorkspace::scan("shaders").unwrap();


let mut workspace = WgslWorkspace::from_memory("shaders", &[
    ("my-shader.wgsl", include_str!("shaders/my-shader.wgsl")),
    ("vertex.wgsl", include_str!("shaders/vertex.wgsl")),

Then just request the shader like this:

let shader = workspace.get_shader("my-shader.wgsl").unwrap();

This will give you a string containing the source code of your preprocessed shader, that's it.

Now you can set variables to use in your shaders like this:

workspace.set_global_i64("SAMPLE_SIZE", 64);
workspace.set_global_f64("QUALITY", 5.0);
workspace.set_global_bool("DO_STUFF", false);


Conditional code

WGSL Syntax:

//:if <condition>

Include or exclude a piece of code if a certain condition is true.


Shader code

fn calculate_lighting(idx: u32) -> vec3<f32> {
    let light = lights[idx];

    //:if quality >= 4.0
    let result = do_some_fancy_stuff(light);
    let result = do_the_cheaper_version(light);

    return result;

Rust code:

workspace.set_global_f64("quality", 5.0);

Resulting shader:

fn calculate_lighting(idx: u32) -> vec3<f32> {
    let light = lights[idx];

    let result = do_some_fancy_stuff(light);

    return result;


WGSL Syntax:

//:const <name>

Insert a variable into the shader as a constant.


Shader code:

//:const SAMPLE_SIZE

Rust code

workspace.set_global_i64("SAMPLE_SIZE", 64);

Resulting shader:

const SAMPLE_SIZE = 64;


WGSL Syntax:

//:include <path>

Include a file into this shader (path is relative to the workspace root).


Shader code (main.wgsl):

const SOME_CONSTANT = 15;

//:include math.wgsl

fn pi_times_constant() -> f32 {
    return SOME_CONSTANT * PI;

Shader code (math.wgsl):

const PI: f32 = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;

fn pi_multiplied_by(number: f32) -> f32 {
    return PI * number;

Resulting shader:

const SOME_CONSTANT = 15;

const PI: f32 = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;

fn pi_multiplied_by(number: f32) -> f32 {
    return PI * number;

fn pi_times_constant() -> f32 {
    return SOME_CONSTANT * PI;