
Distributed Github crawler based on Python Flask, Docker and https://developer.github.com/v3/

Primary LanguagePython

Distributed Github crawler

Based on Python Flask, Docker and https://developer.github.com/v3/

Master node

cd master

Build and push the master node (for developers)

docker build -t hugodelval/github-crawler-master .
docker push hugodelval/github-crawler-master

Then, let's choose an IP address for the master.


Run the master node

docker run -i -p ${master_ip}:5000:5000 hugodelval/github-crawler-master

The master will ask you to enter a Github username and an authentication token (from https://github.com/settings/tokens). The wanted string looks like HugoDelval:a5e855f84fa3bca2. This Oauth token is used to access the Github API.

Security note

Note that for now the previously entered Oauth token is passed from the master to the slaves via HTTP (and not HTTPs). So the application is not safe to use in a public cloud environment.

Slave node

cd slave

Build and push the slave node (for developers)

docker build -t hugodelval/github-crawler-slave .
docker push hugodelval/github-crawler-slave

Run some slaves nodes

docker run -i -p hugodelval/github-crawler-slave python3 /app/slave.py ${master_ip} 5001
docker run -i -p hugodelval/github-crawler-slave python3 /app/slave.py ${master_ip} 5002

Registering slaves and error handling

The master node keep in memory all the slaves that has been linked to him. At each request that the master makes to his slaves (for example to answer a user request), it updates its slaves' list depending of which slave node answer and how fast. This way the master node always has a list of up-to-date slaves that will efficiently answer its requests.


The master node exposes a REST API which allows one to request and crawl github repositories and users.

  • /users?nb=<nb_users_to_show>

    Return a list of the last signed up users

    nb_users_to_show: integer, the number of users to show

  • /contributors?user=<the_user>&depth=<wanted_depth>

    Return a list of users. We check all the repositories of <the_user> and look for all the contributors in these repositories. We repeat the process for each contributors a number times. This output the close_contributors of <the_user>

    the_user: string, login of the user you want to know the close contributors

    depth: how far do we check for contributors

    Note An output of this request is provided in the output/ folder. This output has been generated in 3min using 3 slaves.