
A simple plugin for placing and displaying breakpoints in Vim

Primary LanguageVim Script

Vim Breakpoint

Vim 8.1

Vim 8.1 changed the output of sign listings, v8.1 solves this program.

Vim breakpoint is a plugin for easily placing breakpoints from inside Vim.

It saves and reads breakpoints from $FILEPATH/.$FILENAME_breakpoints.

Currently it only supports GDB style breakpoints, but this could easily be extended if I could be bothered.

Currently doesn't delete breakpoint even if line is deleted. This is however not a large problem, since it is still apparent where the breakpoints are.

  1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include <string.h>
  4 int main() {
  5     printf("%i\n", strcmp("Hello", "Hello"));
* 6     printf("%i\n", strcmp("hello", "Hello"));
  7     printf("%i\n", strcmp("Nothing", "Hello"));
  8 }

An "image" of vim with a breakpoint on line 6


Since a few versions back this plugin requires Vim 8. The old version which still works with Vim 7 is available under the tag v7.

If using vim-plugged then the following can be put in your vimrc to automatically get the correct version:

if version >= 800 |Plug 'HugoNikanor/vim-breakpoint'
else              |Plug 'HugoNikanor/vim-breakpoint', {'tag': 'v7'}


The breakpoints save to file whenever you save a file with breakpoints in it, and also automatically loads a breakpoint file if there is any.

For full usage documentation see :help breakpoint

The plugin doesn't bind any keys by itself, so that's up to the user. I would recommend having the following in your vimrc after loading the plugin:

nmap <leader>a <Plug>BreakpointToggle


  • BreakpointPlace [line]
  • BreakpointRemove [line]
  • BreakpointToggle [line]
  • BreakpointSave
  • BreakpointLoad