- 0
[Request] Roughness map generation
#45 opened by ItsSharpiez - 0 just shuts down immedietly
#44 opened by Soukmancer - 0
Dependencies: Python version mismatch
#43 opened by sergei-rizen - 1
Buttons are unusable
#42 opened by neverwinter-nights - 0
add depth map ?
#41 opened by jonnytracker - 1
Addon loaded but not shown in the side bar
#39 opened by archieboytom - 0
Generate Buttons greyed out. and Unable to remove addon even when running blender as administrator
#38 opened by StoneSymmetry - 3
Can't delete or use the addon
#26 opened by DNS976 - 0
Image sequences for VFX shots
#37 opened by jonnytracker - 1
normal map visible tiles
#25 opened by kazdrubal - 2
Issue trying to install dependencies on Blender 3.6.5
#33 opened by aqh97 - 0
Dynamic axes
#36 opened by AN3Orik - 1
- 0
AttributeError: 'Context' object has no attribute 'active_node'. Did you mean: 'active_bone'?
#35 opened by crenshawda - 0
Support generating Roughness maps
#34 opened by lw64 - 4
Cannot generate normal map
#32 opened by Jooj3D - 1
Bledner 3.5 error (generate normal map)
#30 opened by AlexNorth365 - 1
- 0
- 1
onnx / ORT 1.9 Error
#27 opened by Adrianwgn - 2
- 0
Fresh 3.5 install, add-on v7 - Still not showing in sidebar within shading module
#24 opened by docsdaname1999 - 1
Suggestion: Map generation from image sequences.
#23 opened by jhmorel - 4
No documentation on removal/uninstallation
#14 opened by VGuerreiro - 5
dependencies don't install on blender 3.5
#22 opened by RiceWitch - 3
Dependancy fail
#18 opened by CoreyCorza - 4
- 2
Problem blender 3.4
#17 opened by ViannaFelipe - 4
Addon not showing up in toolbar
#13 opened by Gumbucks - 20
can't install dependencies
#6 opened by Mesk911 - 4
Dependency fail on blender 3.4 for ubuntu 22.04.
#19 opened by K1nyash - 0
Install dependencies
#20 opened by LV6988 - 4
No option to install dependencies
#12 opened by CoreyCorza - 2
ModuleNotFoundError after installing
#15 opened by kaydee001 - 1
- 5
DeepBump as Command-Line Program
#5 opened by fuchsundvogel - 1
Error when generating a normal map
#11 opened by hokutonanto - 0
Suggestion: UV-aware
#10 opened by HugoTini - 2
Color Management Issue
#8 opened by AlexeyAdamitsky - 0
Suggestion: ambient occlusion
#9 opened by Tosky87 - 1
Suggestion: Albedo Maps
#7 opened by dedoubleyou1 - 3
Error when installing dependencies
#4 opened by eyemcreative - 2
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement onnxruntime (from versions: none)
#2 opened by Ulf3000 - 6
Update for 3.1?
#3 opened by melvixiodf