npm install
npm run start
And then go to localhost:1234
If you need to change things such as navbar for example, you will find all the reusable component througout the pages in the folder : /src/partials
Change the html here and modifiy the css in the good file in /src/scss
That is almost everything you need to know.
If you have run : npm run start
, parcels has an excellent hot reload except if you are on another page than index.html. There is a bug with parcels that requires you to manually refresh the page when you are not working on index.html
I use this quick start kit to quickly launch new project for my livestreams on Twitch. At the end, the goal is to publish on codesandbox the result.
Unfortunately, parcel v2 is not well handled by codesandbox. When rolling back, I also had to remove the posthtlm feature which where buggy. Finally it is a very basing project where scss and typescript works out of the box but don't expect to do something really fancy with posthtml. For a bigger project with parcel v2 and many good features, use the main branch.
You must install codesandbox command line on your computer. Then add this alias to your .zshrc
alias share_code='rm -rf dist .cache && codesandbox ./'
This is the a quick start project made and used by Benjamin Code to quickly experiment stuffs when he's trying to replicate cool effects he sees on the web.
It's also the project he uses for his Twitch livestreams.
A real project was made with this quick starter:
To support Benjamin Code, you can follow him on: