
The toolkit for extracting Power Query documentation from #shared and publishing it to GitBook

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Power Query M Reference


This repository has been archived and succeeded by Hugoberry/powerquery-io

This is a repository that contains the automated scrips for building an up to date Markdown verion of the Power Query M reference documentation.

The documentation is sourced from #shared structure in Power BI desktop and is published to GitBooks. It is easily accessible via https://www.powerquery.io/

Folder structure

│   book.json                -- GitBook configuration
│   doc2markdown.pq          -- Converts documentation to Markdown 
│   dox.pbix                 -- Sample file with PQ scripts
│   dox.pq                   -- Exposes the #shared documentation as Markdown
│   dox.ps1                  -- Exports the docs from PBIX file to file system
│   README.md
│   Signature.pq             -- Serializes the signature of a function
    │   README.md             -- FrontPage
    │   SUMMARY.md            -- TOC
    ├───Accessing data
    │   │   README.md         -- Documentation
    │   │

How to run it

  1. Open dox.pbix and hit refresh data. Leave the Power BI Desktop running
  2. Run dox.ps1 PowerShell script
  3. Check with git for any documentation changes git status
  4. Commit and push the changes to the published branch