
A collection of data connectors for Power BI


A collection of data connectors that extend the reachability of Power Query.

Modules Modules


The modules use the extensibility provided by Data Connectors, so in order to use them you have to:

  1. Copy the the contents of /build folder with all the *.mez files onto your local machine
  2. Create a PQ_ExtensionDirectory environment variable, set its value to this folder
  3. Restart Power BI Desktop

For developers

In order to extend the modules

  1. Install the Power Query SDK from the Visual Studio Marketplace
  2. Edit the existing Data Connector Projects or *.pq files
  3. Build the solution The deployable *.mez files will be located in the Debug folder of each module under /src. The Relese configuration of the build will copy these files into the /build folder.



The M functions used in this repository have been assembled based on the following sources of documentation: