
Muon POG tree producer

Installation instructions

cmsrel CMSSW_8_0_20 # Just an example release, works in CMSSW >= 74X at present 
cd CMSSW_8_0_20/src/

git clone  (to be updated later) 


scramv1 b -j 5


The interface of muon Ntuples is defined in : MuonPOG/Tools/src/MuonPogTree.h

The code filling ntuples is available in : MuonPOG/Tools/plugins/

It fills HLT, GEN level, beam spot, vertex and muon information. It works both in AOD and miniAOD (NOTE: trigger information not filled when running in miniAOD).

To create some ntuples :

cd MuonPOG/Tools/test/
python --print # this will give you the default input parameters of the filler. 
                                     # As the ntuple cfg is based on VarParsing you can customise the
                                     # ntuple production via command line [1] or in a crab cfg [2] 

cmsRun globalTag=80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v5 \\

[2] (find pyCfgParams)

Running on CRAB

For running trhough crab you can go to:


The CRAB client can be sourced using the command below after cmsenv.

source /cvmfs/

Check if you have writing permissions in the common area if you already asked for that.

crab checkwrite --site=T2_CH_CERN --lfn=/store/group/phys_muon/

For running on the most recent re-reco data you can open file example:    

whit the configuration pset parameters:

config.JobType.pyCfgParams = ['globalTag=80X_dataRun2_2016SeptRepro_v3',
                              'minNMu=2' ]

The ntuple producer gets loaded by :

from MuonPOG.Tools.MuonPogNtuples_cff import appendMuonPogNtuple

Where arguments are :

  1. The CMS configuration process
  2. A bool to say whether you are running on MC
  3. The label of the process giving HLT results
  4. The name of the output ntuple