
###do the fit of single mu17 cmsRun lateData //(or earlyData, there's some bugs in earlyData) ###do clean pair for mu17mu8 eg. root -b -q -l /afs/ cleanPairs.cxx++
###use the micro to get the eff of doubleMuon trigger cmsRun lateData EffMu17Mu8nodz //(#IDS = ["EffMu17Mu8nodz","EffMu17TkMu8nodz","pathOrnodz",]IDS = ["EffMu17Mu8","EffMu17TkMu8","pathOr",])

collect all the histos into one file, path: doubleMuFit recupThePlots.C

root -l recupThePlots.C // you can change "late" to "early", or versus

draw the efficiency with the histo

root -l eff_Mu17Mu8.C // or eff_Mu17TkMu8.C eff_Mu17Mu8_orTkMu8.C