
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

How to install the environement needed for the tutorial:

Tools used in the tutorial:

  • NumPy,SciPy: package for scientific computing with Python
  • iPython: an interactive shell, we'll be working inside of a web interface called Jupyter (or IPython) Notebooks
  • Matplotlib: usefull ploting library

Installation of the environement

Option 1: using Anaconda (tested on Linux and MacOS)

  1. Download and install on your computer Anaconda from this site: all the needed librairies will be included (install the version with Python 3.5)
  2. Open an new shell: you should now be able to run the command jupyter notebook to launch the notebook
  3. Note: In a Linux environment, if jupyter command is not available, make sure that Anaconda is correctly loaded in your environement (in your ~/.bash_rc file, the following line should appear: export PATH="/YourAnacondaInstallDirectory/bin:$PATH")

Option 2: run the evironement from the virtual box

  1. Download and install the virtual box needed for your operating system: VirtualBox
  2. Download the environement OVA from this link
  3. Import it in the virtual box (File>Import)
  4. Start the virtual box (in case needed, the password is stat)
  5. In a terminal, run the command jupyter notebook : the tree directory should appear in Firefox

Testing the environement:

  1. In a clean directory, download the test notebook
  2. Start the jupyter notebook (with the command jupyter notebook), you should see that in your web browser: screenshot
  3. Click on the notebook InstallTest.ipynb to open it
  4. Check that the code in every single cell can be executed (go in the cell and then execute it by typing Enter + Shift)

Notebooks for Saturday September 3rd practical:

1.They are on GitHub at the following links:

  • Short introduction to Python here
  • Begining of the statistical tutorial here
  • Note: All the GitHub package can be downloaded using this git command in a terminal git clone https://github.com/HuguesBrun/statTutorialBND.git