SnakeArduBoy !
A simple Snake for Arduboy.
How do I get set up?
- Open sketch with Arduino IDE
- Upload sketch to Arduboy
- Play !
Code overview
This code has been written in a rush so it is not well tested nor documented...
H Namespace
All classes have been placed under the namespace H
Model class for the game.
A Snake has a List of bones (a bone is a 2D position), a width and height (in model space).
Its public methods are :
- movement orders (returning true if movement is possible)
- show/hide apple
- check if snake has grown (eaten an apple)
Custom implementation of a circular doubly linked list (where list head and tail are connected).
List elements are Nodes. A node contains a pointer to a value (here a Position of a bone) and pointers to the next and previous bones.
2D position with + and == operators for conveniency.
This is the games view. It can be adjusted to render the Snake in view space so the Snake do not evolve on a 1 pixel thin grid (model space).
This is the game controller. It sends orders to the model whenever button events appear. It also uses the view to render Snake, score and maximum score (and also to toggle sound).