
A simple browser based game points system that calculates the total points awarded to a player for a number of items they have collected in a game.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple browser based game points system that calculates the total points awarded to a player for a number of items they have collected in a game.


     components: UI components and styles
     views: Main UI on screen
     redux: store, reuducers
     services: utililties, such as calcuation for points
   webpack: Bunlding scripts for local and production 
   .eslintrc-> Eslint config file
   .nvmrc-> Node version defination
   .jest.config.js->Jest test config
   .stylelint.config.js-> Stylelint configuration
   .tsconfig.json-> Typescript compile options config
   .tesoconfig.test.json -> Configuration for jest test with typescript
   .husky -> Git hooks

Higher-Order Components

  • ErrorBoundaryHoc: simple HOC to show error message, has default error message, but can be a customized message or component

        <ExampleComponent />

Mixins for flexBox and breakpoints

  • flexBox mixin:
    Flexbox makes responsive development easier, but it would be annoying to repeat same style for different elements. Therefore, a flexBox mixin was created,it can be used like this in a scss class :

    .example {
       @include flexBox($alignItems: $center, $justifyContent: $center);

    $alignItems and $justifyContent are params for mixin function flexBox, there are more supported params, you can check in stylesMixin.scss file.
    $center is a constant value defined in stylesMixin.scss file.

  • breakpoint mixin:
    you can use like this:

    .example {
        @include breakpoint(980) {
        // override some style

Git hooks

Made by husky

  • pre-push:
    • yarn lint
    • yarn test


Main Frameworks/Libraries used:


First of all, make sure node version specified in .nvmrc is installed. You can do manually or by run nvm install(If you don't have nvm, suggest to install nvm)

  • nvm use -> Use the node version specified in .nvmrc
  • yarn install -> install the dependencies for all workspace

In the project directory, you can run:

  • yarn dev -> Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. If port 3000 does not work you, you can change it in webpack.dev-server.js file.


  • yarn test -> run test


  • yarn lint -> run eslint --fix and stylelint --fix for all, it will auto fix some errors


  • yarn build:analyze -> Open http://localhost:8888 to view size of output files, if port 8888 does not work, you can define in file webpack.bundle-analyzer.js with analyzerPort

Learn More

What could be improved?

  • UI improvement. For example: font family, size, theme, and so on.
  • Write more tests, currently just demonstrated some for pointService, dashboardReducer and App component.
  • Localization: react-i18next can be one of the options
  • Error tracking/analyzing, for example track.js
  • Take care more about accessibility and usability.